Tell the Lord Mayor: Stop the Delays

I am calling on the Lord Mayor to STOP holding up the Beams Road Overpass and let us start construction now!

As you may be aware, since 2017 I’ve been leading a campaign on behalf of residents to build a road overpass on Beams Road over the rail line.

Last year I was very pleased to be able to help secure $128 million in state funding for the Beams Road Overpass, which when combined with committed council and federal funding, would ensure that this project finally gets built. I’m very pleased that the first stage of this project- 200 additional car parks at Carseldine Train Station- has already been constructed and is open to the public.

Sadly though, it is apparent that Brisbane City Council are reluctant to agree to the start of construction for the overpass itself and have been causing a delay of this much needed rail overpass, to my and the local community’s frustration. As Beams Road itself is a council rather than a state road, their agreement is required for the project to proceed.

I want this project to start NOW, and yet I am advised that Brisbane City Council have been continually delaying their approvals of this project for the last 6 months, for apparently minor technical and bureaucratic reasons.

As your local state member, at all times I strive to work constructively with all other levels of government. I warmly welcome the funding support of the Federal Government and the Brisbane City Council for this project, however I am growing increasingly concerned at the actions of Brisbane City Council in holding up their approvals for this project.

I urge you to join with me and sign my petition to the Lord Mayor to STOP THE DELAYS so we can get construction underway!